[Pkg-mpd-maintainers] Bug#715164: Acknowledgement ([PATCH] please use dh-systemd)

Michael Stapelberg stapelberg at debian.org
Sat Jul 6 14:17:12 UTC 2013


Sorry, my mistake. The body of the email should have read:

Dear maintainer,

Thanks for shipping a systemd service file with mpd.

By applying dh-systemd.patch, systemd users will enjoy a fully working
mpd on their machines: it will get enabled and started properly
(even if installed on sysvinit and later switching to systemd).

You can see the differences this patch causes in the attached
dh-systemd.debdiff. Use:

    colordiff --difftype=debdiff < dh-systemd.debdiff

(colordiff's highlighting is not entirely correct, but very helpful.)

Please apply this patch before uploading a new version. Thank you!

For more details on dh-systemd packaging, see
In case of any questions, feel free to drop by in #debian-systemd or
send an email to pkg-systemd-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org

Best regards,

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