[Pkg-mpd-maintainers] Bug#699208: some more

Christoph Egger christoph at debian.org
Tue May 21 21:28:10 UTC 2013


  Just noticed: stopping mpd works fine *unless* it's during the
upgrade. I'll look into it.


Some more information:
christoph at mitoraj {1} ~ 
23:25 0 % sudo start-stop-daemon --stop --oknodo --retry 5 --pidfile /run/mpd/pid --exec /usr/bin/mpd 
No /usr/bin/mpd found running; none killed.
christoph at mitoraj {1} ~ 
23:25 0 % ps auxf | grep mpd
1000      5772  0.0  0.0   9108  1548 ?        S+   23:25   0:00              \_ grep mpd
mpd       4657  0.0  0.1 365148 15628 ?        Ss   23:24   0:00 /usr/bin/mpd /etc/mpd.conf
christoph at mitoraj {1} ~ 
23:25 0 % cat /run/mpd/pid

Wild guess:

start-stop-daemon on bsd acting weird iff the actual binary on
/usr/bin/mpd (--exec) is not the same (inode-wise) as the running

Open question:

Why does it work on linux just fine / is only mpd breaking on *kbsd

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