[Pkg-mpd-maintainers] migration of pkg-mpd alioth lists and repos

Florian Schlichting fsfs at debian.org
Tue Feb 27 07:41:09 UTC 2018

Hi MPD packagers,

alioth is going away, and after I saw that Simon had moved python-mpd to
salsa I thought I could try with mpd and mpc as well - which was a
smooth process, although I saw neither commit notification emails nor
the tagpending webhook...

What about the other packages? Is everybody going to care about "their"
package, and does everyone have access to mpd-team on salsa (I currently
see just three people: Simon, Antoine and me - perhaps only those active
on alioth in the last few months)? Do we want to standardize on on a
common setup with regard to commit notifications, BTS integration or

Finally, I'm getting emails about migrating our mailing lists:

    pkg-mpd-commits at lists.alioth.debian.org
        This I understand is redundant given "Emails on push"

    pkg-mpd-maintainers at lists.alioth.debian.org
        This is still needed as the maintainer address for the migration
        period, but I haven't understood what a long-term alternative
        could be. Also I'm not sure how team communication could work
        without this?

-> My feeling is that -commits can be shut down together with alioth,
but would request migration of -maintainers to the alioth replacement
list service. Or should I ask for it to be moved to lists.d.o?


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