[Pkg-mpd-maintainers] Bug#1035603: mpdscribble: prompting due to modified conffiles which were not modified by the user: /etc/mpdscribble.conf

Andreas Beckmann anbe at debian.org
Sat May 6 21:36:48 BST 2023

On 06/05/2023 16.39, Geoffroy Youri Berret wrote:
> On 5/6/23 11:50, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
>> […] in bullseye you used ucf to manage the file (to insert 
>> username/password), in bookworm you ship it as a conffile.
>> AND manage it with ucf. That is seriously broken.
> Indeed, a previous commit introduced a conffile by mistake.
> Fixing this [0] (debdiff attached), makes the package upgrade properly 
> on bullseye from bullseye pkg version to bookworm version built for 
> bullseye.
> But testing this fix on puiparts fails with the same error, I ran :
>     piuparts -d bullseye -d bookworm mpdscribble_0.24-3_amd64.deb

You want to test upgrading from bullseye to bookworm + your new package,
skipping the buggy version currently in bookworm. IIRC your command 
first upgrades to to the current bookworm version, thereafter to the new 

Maybe already a --distupgrade-to-testdebs helps, but I have never tried 
it this way.

If that doesn't work, try this:

put mpdscribble_0.24-3_amd64.deb into /tmp/testdebs
(cd /tmp/testdebs && dpkg-scanpackages . > Packages)

piuparts -d bullseye -d bookworm --bindmount /tmp/testdebs \
   --testdebs-repo /tmp/testdebs --distupgrade-to-testdebs \
   --apt mpdscribble

(/tmp/testdebs can be replaced by any other location)

(options from my memory, I haven't tried it)

If I were to review the current debdiff (without further context), it 
would rise questions, because dropping a conffile to avoid dkpg 
prompting sounds like fixing one bug by introducing a new bug.

Therefore for the changelog I'd suggest something like
"Do not ship /etc/mpdscribble.conf as a conffile. This is already 
managed with ucf."
(This is the fixed bug. The debconf prompting was just a symptom.)


PS: feel free to improve piuparts documentation (from a user 
perspective, I only have a developer view ;-) ). I think piuparts can do 
what you wanted

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