Bug#430710: fixed in vlc 0.8.6.c-2

Steve Langasek vorlon at debian.org
Wed Jul 4 22:23:57 UTC 2007

reopen 430710
severity 430710 normal


>  vlc (0.8.6.c-2) unstable; urgency=high
>  .
>    [ Loic Minier ]
>    * Merge the nerver uploaded 0.8.6.a.debian-7 changelog entry into 0.8.6.c-1.
>  .
>    [ Christophe Mutricy ]
>    * Build-depends on linux-libc-dev  rather than linux-kernel-headers
>      (Closes: #430710 )

I wrote in my bug report:

  Please update your package to either build-depend on
  linux-libc-dev | linux-kernel-headers (>= $version), or to not
  build-depend on either package since this build-dependency is satisfied by
  all versions of l-k-h since oldstable.

Instead, the new version of vlc has a hard-coded build-dependency on

This won't cause build failures in Debian, but it's still a bug; it
unnecessarily prevents building backports of the current vlc package for
etch, and linux-libc-dev is an implementation detail of build-essential so
is not something you should build-depend on alone anyway.

So the build-dependency as it is currently included is of no benefit to
current unstable/testing systems, but will hamper the package's buildability
on older systems.  Please remove it.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
vorlon at debian.org                                   http://www.debian.org/

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