libquicktime-transition now

Loïc Minier lool at
Sat Jul 7 11:28:39 UTC 2007

On Sat, Jul 07, 2007, Fabian Greffrath wrote:
> Well, since e.g. #417055 has been reported against 2:0.9.7-4 and ist
> fixed in 2:0.9.7-5 it has *nothing* do to with the versions in
> experimental. Is it right to close the bug in the changelog entry for
> 2:1.0.0+debian-1 since this is the first upload of the a version that
> has this bug fixed upstream? 
> I would have to change changelog entries that have already been uploaded
> to Debian, is this OK? 

 It depends.  :)

 If you're merging all experimental changes into a new big unstable
 entry, then these changes will look like:

 libquicktime 2:1.0.0+debian-4 unstable
   * Merge from experimental
     - Experimental change 1.
     - New upstream release.
       . Does not frobble with the foobar; closes: #417055.
       . Updated patch whizzle to apply cleanly.
       . Upstream release change 3.
     - Experimental change 3.

 In this case, you're creating a new changelog entry for unstable, so
 it's fine to update it to list bugs.

 I wouldn't recommend this merge mode though; instead I suggest we move
 the experimental branch to unstable, in which case all you need to do
 is close the bug manually, as I explained, with the first version of
 the target changelog which fixed the problem, probably

Loïc Minier

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