libquicktime-transition now

Fabian Greffrath fabian.greffrath at
Sun Jul 8 12:21:18 UTC 2007

Am Samstag, den 07.07.2007, 16:18 +0200 schrieb Loïc Minier:
>  Apart of closing bug reports, did you look for changes which were done
>  in the unstable branch but not in the experimental branch?  Cleanups or
>  patches in particular.

When I took over the packages from Daniel Baumann, he already had 0.9.10
in experimental. This package had *all* the patches from 0.9.7 removed
(well, except for 01-debian-directory) and built and worked like a
charm. The only reason why it has not been uploaded to unstable was the
ABI change (well, it has been uploaded but removed some days later
because of this). The 1.0.0 packages in experimental are based on these
packages and were allways maintained with unstable in mind.

>   * debian/rules:
>     + Symlink include/quicktime to include/lqt so that libquicktime can build
>     without its own headers installed (Closes: #417042).

I have built the experimental package several times without this symlink
and experienced no problems. The transition of the header file locations
has been a problem around the 0.9.7 version.

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