Bug#421695: Acknowledgement (vlc: Corrupted output stream with vcodec=MJPG mux=mpjpeg)

Rob Sims debbugs-z at robsims.com
Wed May 2 21:55:46 UTC 2007

Tags: +patch

There were at least three issues:
  1) memory allocation for the first set of headers was off.
  2) The original problem reported of a lack of a blank line after the
  3) The Content-Length header line output included a trailing null,
     which effectively becomes part of the picture data.

<                                               2 + strlen( CONTENT_TYPE ) );
>                                               7 + strlen( CONTENT_TYPE ) );
<         sprintf( psz_separator_block, "%s\r\n%s\r\n", psz_separator,
>         sprintf( psz_separator_block, "%s\r\n%s\r\n\r\n", psz_separator,
<         block_t *p_length = block_New( p_mux, 25 );
<         memcpy( p_length->p_buffer, psz_content_length, 25 );
>         block_t *p_length = block_New( p_mux, strlen(psz_content_length) );
>         memcpy( p_length->p_buffer, psz_content_length, p_length->i_buffer );
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