Enabling and installing of "risky" ("patented") codecs - made easy

Fabian Greffrath greffrath at leat.rub.de
Thu Oct 18 10:51:19 UTC 2007

Loic, thank you very much for your fast answer!

> I think our goal should be to make it very easy to get binaries in the
> end, which then can be automated by some GUI tool / hooks.

This goes even further than my own approach. I thought about a possibility for the users to easily 'compile it on their own risk'. Getting binaries will definitely be a problem.

> These might be issues for source packages or for binary packages, or
> for the act of distribution, the act of download, or the act of using
> the software.

I believed it was save to host the source code and a 'compilation instruction' i.e. Debian packaging and let the user do the 'dirty job' i.e. compiling and packaging. Don't forget we are already hosting libdvdcss2 and x264 this way.

> But then while I'm ready to offer ideas on the above, I'm afraid this
> is a huge task to actually achieve...

I seems to me you think like 'if we do it, we do it consequently' ;)

Of course this will come with a lot of effort, but for a beginning I think it will be sufficient and safe to make the source tarball and the Debian packaging available in our SVN. As I tried to explain I did not even consider hosting binary packages. Further steps may follow as soon as we have some packaging at hand.

BTW: Do you think this discussion should be moved to -devel or -legal?


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