Bug#441766: vlc: segfaults with new glib

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at videolan.org
Wed Sep 12 22:28:20 UTC 2007

> > Using the skins2 interface causes crashes almost identical to the
> > wxwidgets code, down to the wxwidgets backtrace
>  Hmm I don't think this is exactly the same crash because the crash in
>  the wxwidgets interface seems to be within wxwidgets while the crash in
>  skins2 doesn't happen with vlc's SVN version which uses the same
>  wxwidgets version here.
>  Anyway, to sum up:
>            version:     debian          svn
>            ====================================
> interface:
> wxwidgets               fails           fails
> skins2                  fails           works

The skins2 interface module needs a dialog provider. In 0.8.6, only the
wx module provides a dialog provider. In SVN (0.9.0), both wx and qt4
provides a dialog provider and the qt one is prefered if both are

That explains why you got the skins2 working. You should be able to see
differences in the "open ..." and preferences dialogs between the qt and
wx dialog provider.

>  The skins2 issue should be fixed with the next release of VLC, but the
>  wxwidgets one will probably only be fixed by a new wxwidgets upload.

There is the problem that the wx interface of VLC doesn't behave so well
with wxwidgets 2.8 and as we're trying to concentrate on qt the wx intf
is not fixed.


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