Bug#275551: still not working as it should be

Eduard Bloch edi at gmx.de
Mon Apr 28 19:48:00 UTC 2008


I have the same problem with IceWM. The default setting of taskbar mode
is "KeepOnTop", and that is what happens with vlc, taskbar is painted
over the picture.

I tried the "Alternative Fullscreen mode" in XVideo settings. It's
broken, because:

a) I cannot see other windows when switching with keyboard, vlc still overpaints them
b) In 1 of 3 times, this fullscreen doesn't cover the whole screen, a
border of few pixels remains at the bottom and the right side of the

None of this problems occurs with mplayer or xine.


<weasel> Rhonda: da musst du alfie fragen, der is da voll der profi

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