Bug#503377: vlc: Seems to start gnome-power-manager when playing

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at chewa.net
Mon Dec 15 23:20:38 UTC 2008

Le Sat 25 Oct 08 à 14:32 +0200, Alex a écrit :
> The experimental version of VLC seems to be starting gnome-power-manager 
> when playing a movie. Gnome-power-manager never starts by itself in any 
> other situation that when playing a movie with VLC.

So it opens the window of gnome-power-manager ? not just start it in the
background ?
> This is unconfortable because:
> -gnome-power-manager will change the brightness set by the KDE applet
> -gnome-power-manager does not have a quit option, so it needs to be 
> killed by some means.

I'm a bit confused. Are you running Gnome or KDE ?


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