Enable faad support in ffmpeg/experimental

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Wed Mar 19 21:27:01 UTC 2008

Fabian Greffrath <greffrath at leat.rub.de> writes:

> Reinhard Tartler schrieb:
>> I've just disabled that patch in the series file. I don't think we need
>> it anymore.
> Great! In general I believe we should try to ship ffmpeg with *as few
> patches as possible*.

I think everyone agrees here.

> Why don't we simply ship libswscale with its upstream SONAME 0? I mean,
> by now we had 0d and 1d in Debian, so introducing a plain 0 will not
> cause any conflicts and this way we'll follow upstream's nomenclature
> for each library.

Since there is not a single package in debian that depends only on
libswscale and not on any other ffmpeg library package, I think we can
safely rename to libswscale0, Right.

> BTW, the fixup-config.sh script seems broken to me. I adds some more
> #define lines at the bottom of config.h, *outside* the #ifndef
> FFMPEG_CONFIG_H condition instead of replacing the appropriate lines in
> the file. This leads to a bunch of "ENABLE_FOO_ENCODER redefined"
> warnings. I'll see if I can fix this up.

Oh darn. Well, it used to work in the past, but now we need something
more sophisticated... :/

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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