Problem with ffmpeg-free

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Sun Mar 30 22:11:47 UTC 2008

Christoph Pleger <Christoph.Pleger at> writes:

> Hello,
>> Oh, the patch you have found 
> I created that myself. :-)
>> is more or less pretty much what the 
>> debian/ does strip off patented encoders. The debian archive
>> administrators do not accept mpeg related encoders, so we had to strip
>> them for for debian.
> Well, I understand , but I am surprised that seemingly none of the ffmpeg-free 
> package maintainers was aware that such an obvious difference (a missing 
> encoder) from other ffmpeg-versions caused my problem.

I didn't expect that applications actually rely on the availability of
certain codecs, and don't even bother to check for their existence.

>> Obviously dvdstyler relies on the availablitly of a specific mpeg2
>> encoder, which has been disabled for debian. Unfortunately, it does not
>> check if that codec is actually available, but just crashes. Which is a
>> pitti :(
> Are there other, free MPEG2-Encoders in ffmpeg?

No, no mpeg encoders are not being accepted by the archive admins at all.

We provide a stripped version of ffmpeg so that we can have at least the
decoders and unproblematic encoders (like ogg/theora, etc).

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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