next ffmpeg upload

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Thu Nov 6 08:25:47 UTC 2008

Fabian Greffrath <greffrath at> writes:
> Are these packages targeted at non-free after Lenny or are they just a
> convenient way for our users to build their own packages?

More or less both. We can of course try to upload them to non-free, but
I fear that they will stick there indefinitely. I've still not received
any response from ftp-master, but since Joerg has recently been subject
to GRs and stuff, I'd rather like to give him some rest before
approaching him again with this stuff.

The package is absolutely targetted for ubuntu/multiverse however. We
can and perhaps should talk to marillat to consider that as basis for
his ffmpeg package.

>> If you have some spare time, please test it. I'm going to upload the
>> package to experimental in the next days.
> We'll have due date for our little daughter tomorrow, so I fear I'll be
> heavily involved in child care the next weeks. :D
> I'll see what I can do...

Wow, congratulations to you and your wife! Keep good care on both!

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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