Bug#426707: green border under video with theora

Helmut Pozimski helmutpozimski at web.de
Tue Sep 23 21:14:58 UTC 2008

Am Tuesday 23 September 2008 21:52:01 schrieb Christophe Mutricy:
> Yeah it's quite likely a video where display height != encoded height.
> (because it's usefull to have encode heigh a multiple of 16).
> If you are in sid, could you test vlc 0.9.2 which is in experimental.
> Or if you have the possibility to put a small extract of the video
> online.
Since I am on lenny and there is no amd64-build of the new version yet, I 
can't test it atm but I put the first twenty seconds of the video online: 


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