slv2 library nearly ready for upload

Jaromír Mikeš mira.mikes at
Sun Aug 23 22:49:09 UTC 2009


I am just finishing packaging slv2 library and it seems to be nearly ready for upload.
My main doubts are about control file. I am not sure if I solved dependencies between packages well.

It is building well on my both 32 and 64 bit systems. I tested it successfully  with zynjacku and calf plugins.


$ lintian -IE
I: slv2-doc: possible-documentation-but-no-doc-base-registration
X: slv2-jack: spelling-error-in-binary ./usr/bin/lv2_jack_host succesfully successfully
X: slv2-jack: spelling-error-in-binary ./usr/bin/lv2_simple_jack_host succesfully successfully

If I understand well this:
the very first warning should be valid for upcoming 3.8.3 standard 


Thanks for any comments, advices. 



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