Upgrade Trouble

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Tue Dec 1 18:07:50 UTC 2009

Fabian Greffrath <greffrath at leat.rub.de> writes:

> Am 01.12.2009 09:53, schrieb Reinhard Tartler:
>> Okay, I've found now http://debconf4.debconf.org/talks/dependency-hell/,
>> with references to the ld manual which describe this in detail. So my
>> current understanding of this approach would be this:
> Yes, the problem seems to be rather common, see e.g.:
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2009/11/msg01064.html

Hm, indeed.

>> FFMPEG_SVN_54321 {
>>    global: *;
>> };
> I really wouldn't include the SVN revision in the versioning, or else we
> would have to rebuild *all* depending packages when we check out another
> revision. I recommend something more generic like FFMPEG_TRUNK or
> similar.

I think the string should at least include some counter, because there
might be future changes in trunk that require yet another version
bump. As counter I suggest the svn revision number that caused the
version bump.

>>   4. profit.
> lots thereof! :D

Okay, I'll do some tests on this.

> This way we are really able to distinguish both ABIs from each
> other. However, since you already rose this issue upstream, maybe we
> should recommend them to adopt this technique. Else we would again
> maintain a Debian-specific deviation from upstream, which they really do
> not seem to like.

I'll think about it.

Early results from my tests: It seems the versioning script can be
passed with another configuration flag --extra-ldflags. This means that
we probably don't need to touch anything in the upstream source.

If all works well, I'll ask on debian-release if we need or should go
the pedantic route sketched in section 3.3 in [1] and rename the binary
packages.  I hope that wo don't.

[1] http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/libpkg-guide.html#symbolversioning
Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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