Bug#528365: Bug #528365: Test with offical libav* packages and without libavutil50

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at chewa.net
Sun Dec 6 19:24:34 UTC 2009


(CC'ing all the people i believe involved in this bug. please ignore if
you don't know what it is about)

We've had several report from people affected by this bug that using the
official ffmpeg libraries (libavcodec, libavformat, libswscale,
libpostproc) and checking that libavutil50 is not installed fixes this

Could the reporters still experiencing the bug with -V x11 or -V xv test
and report if it's still broken once libavutil50 is removed and official
libav* packages are used. 

Without answer confirming that the bug still happen with the official
packages before Christmas, I'll close this bug.



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