Question WRT gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg ( debian/patches/02_plugin-dependencies.patch

Fabian Greffrath fabian at
Mon Jul 6 09:08:24 UTC 2009

Hi slomo,

i've got a question concerning the patch that you've introduced in the 
following upload:

gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg ( experimental; urgency=low
   * debian/patches/02_plugin-dependencies.patch:
     + Add the ffmpeg libraries as plugin dependencies. This makes sure
       that the list of encoders/decoders/muxers/demuxers is updated in
       the GStreamer registry whenever ffmpeg is updated. This is
       especially useful if someone installs an unstripped ffmpeg.

- What does this patch exactly do? In the patch description you state 
that it adds the ffmpeg libraries as plugin dependencies, but AFAICT 
the ffmpeg libraries are already dependencies of the 
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg package.

- Furthermore you state that some elements list is updated whenever 
the ffmpeg libraries are updated and that this is especially usefull 
for people who install unstripped ffmpeg libraries. Does this mean in 
turn that without this patch gst-ffmpeg is not able to make use of the 
  additional encoders in the unstripped ffmpeg libraries if it is 
built against the stripped ones? if not, please elaborate on what this 
exactly means.

- Is it possible to port this patch back to Lenny and are you willing 
to do so (and convince the release team, ahem) given the *chance* that 
there may be unstripped ffmpeg libraries for Lenny some day? ;)

Thank you very much!

Fabian (with the ffmpeg maintainer hat on)

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