Bug#511544: ffmpeg: Please support VDPAU

Fabian Greffrath greffrath at leat.rub.de
Thu Jul 9 08:48:04 UTC 2009

Loïc Minier schrieb:
>  Why aren't the headers packaged separately instead of being copied to
>  both ffmpeg and mplayer?

This is IMHO up to the Debian NVIDIA maintainers (CCed).

>  In all cases, please add a note to debian/copyright where these come
>  from

Done for ffmpeg.

Dipl.-Phys. Fabian Greffrath

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Lehrstuhl für Energieanlagen und Energieprozesstechnik (LEAT)
Universitätsstr. 150, IB 3/134
D-44780 Bochum

Telefon: +49 (0)234 / 32-26334
Fax:     +49 (0)234 / 32-14227
E-Mail:  greffrath at leat.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

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