next mplayer upload

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Thu Jun 4 08:46:49 UTC 2009

hey pkg-multimedia,

I think the mplayer branch is more or less ready for upload. This upload
will go through new because of the addition of the mplayer-nogui
package. Because of this, I think it is a good time to also try the

 - don't remove mencoder.c
 - strip libavcodec just like in ffmpeg-debian

I now really wonder how long it will sit in NEW. In any case, please
testbuild and try the package. Unless anyone seriously objects, I'll
upload it to unstable this weekend.

This package can now be the basis to replace the old mplayer package in
ubuntu. There, we can (and of course should) introduce an mencoder
package. This will happen in a separate branch in our repository, so it
becomes trivial to merge this work back.

As for the plan of not stripping ffmpeg anymore: Fabian, are you still
working on the text for NEWS.Debian or changelog or whatever? No hurry,
let's first get this package accepted, but after that, we can of course
tackle the ffmpeg source.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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