Free Ekanayaka freee at
Tue Jun 9 20:14:42 UTC 2009

Hi Mira,

|--==> On Mon, 08 Jun 2009 23:43:27 +0200 (CEST), Jaromír Mikeš <mira.mikes at> said:

  JM> I made commit and than followed instructions above ...
  JM> Changes should be in repository now.
  JM> Please check especially copyright file I inspired myself from other project how to do it.

  JM> Let me know if there is any problem ... I'll try solve it ASAP.

Thanks, there were still a few issues which I fixed my self, hope you
don't mind.

1) Architecture was set to "any", even though the package doesn't
really have any architecture-dependent part. I've move it "all" and
modified debian/rules accordingly.

2) The changelog entry was signed with

Debian Multimedia Team <debian-multimedia at>

it's okay to user your actual name and email there, so it's more clear
who did what. I fixed that putting your name.

3) The repository already had a tag named debian/3.0-1, so I deleted
it manually and re-created it after my commits. In general it's better
to tag the tree only when doing the actual upload, so we are sure to
tag exactly the state of the uploaded package, without leaving out

4) The debian/copyright file is better, but it still missing some
minor notices like having a different attribution, and
Richard W.E. Furse, Paul Barton-Davis, Stefan Westerfeld not being
mentioned. However I think it's okay like this, just keep in mind to
be extra-careful about debian/copyright, has it's one of most common
reasons of a new package being rejected.

I've uploaded the package, it will have to run through the usual NEW



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