Free Ekanayaka freee at
Tue Jun 9 22:32:23 UTC 2009

Hi Mira,

|--==> On Wed, 10 Jun 2009 00:09:25 +0200 (CEST), Jaromír Mikeš <mira.mikes at> said:

  FE> 3) The repository already had a tag named debian/3.0-1, so I deleted
  FE> it manually and re-created it after my commits. In general it's better
  FE> to tag the tree only when doing the actual upload, so we are sure to
  FE> tag exactly the state of the uploaded package, without leaving out
  FE> stuff.

  JM> That mean that I as not being DD should not make tag at all?

I would say yes.

  JM> I've improved again debian/copyright ... it can be useful for future update.


  JM> I am planing improve state of slv2 repository same way
  JM> soon. (tomorrow) Hope you revise it than.

Okay, I'll try to give a look to it.



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