Re: Newbie question

Jaromír Mikeš mira.mikes at
Sun Mar 8 16:22:13 UTC 2009

<  > I would like to build debian/ubuntu package of jkmeter-0.4.0.tar.bz2
<  > There is also one dependency clxclient-3.6.1.tar.bz2 (on same web site).
<  > I've tried to install them on my system from source if they are working and
<  they do. 
<  > But there is no possibility to uninstall them.
<  > sudo make uninstall
<  > make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.
<  > 
<  > Is it a hurdle to make package?
<  No, make uninstall is not needed. When you create a package you know
<  wich files are in the package, so you know wich files you have to remove
<  if the package is removed.

Thank you Benjamin for quick answer, some others newbie's questions will follow soon I am afraid. ;)



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