Bug#460084: New info in #460084

Adrian Knoth adi at drcomp.erfurt.thur.de
Wed Mar 18 14:30:16 UTC 2009

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 03:16:47PM +0100, Fabian Greffrath wrote:

> >I guess Architecture: [linux-any] would exclude the whole package from
> >kfreebsd, which isn't very useful.
> It would just not build-depend on the specific packages on kfreebsd. 
> The package itself won't be excluded from kfreebsd, it's just that the 
> kfreebsd package will provide some less features (due to the missing 
> alsa and firewire libs).

You cannot say  "Build-Depends: foo [linux-any]", this creates a lintian
warning. ;)

> >That's why I've added armel to the long lists. Next release contains the
> >fix.
> I think that's ugly. Please have a look at how we addressed this issue 
> in the ffmpeg packages.

Ok, "[!kfreebsd-i386 !kfreebsd-amd64 !hurd-i386]" looks good.

Or do do have other suggestions?

mail: adi at thur.de  	http://adi.thur.de	PGP/GPG: key via keyserver

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