vlc override disparity

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at chewa.net
Mon Mar 23 13:27:36 UTC 2009


2009/3/18 Debian Installer <installer at ftp-master.debian.org>:
> There are disparities between your recently accepted upload and the
> override file for the following file(s):
> mozilla-plugin-vlc_0.9.8a-3_i386.deb: package says section is video, override says graphics.
> Either the package or the override file is incorrect.  If you think
> the override is correct and the package wrong please fix the package
> so that this disparity is fixed in the next upload.  If you feel the
> override is incorrect then please reply to this mail and explain why.
> Please INCLUDE the list of packages as seen above, or we won't be able
> to deal with your mail due to missing information.

I believe mozilla-plugin-vlc should be in the video section like the
other packages of vlc.



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