jackd release schedule

Adrian Knoth adi at drcomp.erfurt.thur.de
Mon Mar 30 16:49:13 UTC 2009


Last weekend, I've forwarded most of the patches for jackd in our BTS to

Cooperation has been extremely good, I've joined #jack on freenode,
discussed the patches and instantly got them applied upstream. Seven
commits to their svn: one segfault fix, three for Hurd, one cleanup and
two patches fixing six lintian warnings (and errors) in the man pages.

If somebody from the jack team is reading this: Thanks again, that's
perfect upstream support. ;)

The jack team plans to make a new release containing all the fixes
before Linux Audio Conference (2009-04-16). So if we can live with the
current jackd package in Debian for approximately two more weeks, I'd
suggest to delay any new jackd upload until then.

(it would be great to have FFADO by this time, making the new jackd
package a must-have release for every firewire audio user. ;)


mail: adi at thur.de  	http://adi.thur.de	PGP/GPG: key via keyserver

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