RFS: slv2

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Fri May 8 18:27:01 UTC 2009

Jaromír Mikeš <mira.mikes at seznam.cz> writes:

> FE> As this package hasn't been uploaded yet, and probably no one beside
> FE> Mira is working on it, I suggest to remove the slv2 git repository
> FE> from Alioth and start from scratch. This will make sure things don't
> FE> get messy later.
> OK, I will do it.  What about other git repositories I created,
> jkmeter.git jnoise.git lv2core.git zynjacku.git lv2dynparam1.git They
> are created same way and can cause similar problems later, should I
> delete them and establish again too, using git-import-dsc?

Yes please. We really should have upstream branches so that the common
workflow for updating to new upstream version can be applied to all
package we team-maintain.

Also, git-import-dsc also applies a very useful tagging policy.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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