Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Thu May 14 16:51:41 UTC 2009

Andres Mejia <mcitadel at> writes:

>> With these rationale, I don't think that any information from the
>> current version string should be dropped. If you want to improve the
>> presentation itself, what would you suggest?
> The debian/ script should name it SVN-r$revision
> then.

I imagined that some scripts could try to use that number for asserting
or special casing special points in time of ffmpeg development,
e.g. when, at some specific commit, a file is renamed or something.
There is currently no need for that, but I wanted to have that option if
it becomes necessary. Prepending the string 'SVN-r' wouldn't make that
impossible, it would have to be removed before evaluating the version

But you still haven't said what problem you're trying to fix. if it is
just the presentation, how about this patch?

diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
index 4a878ea..c8af82e 100755
--- a/debian/rules
+++ b/debian/rules
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ configure-%: configure-stamp-%
 configure-stamp-%: $(QUILT_STAMPFN) config-extra-includes.h
 	mkdir -p debian-$*
-	cp .svnrevision debian-$*/snapshot_version
+	echo "SVN-r$(cat .svnrevision)" > debian-$*/snapshot_version
 	cd debian-$* && CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" $(CURDIR)/configure \
 		$($*_build_confflags) $(extra_$*_build_confflags)
 ifeq ($(internalencoders),)

>  Also, .svnrevision is quite useless when building straight from the
> orig source (without the debian dir), as the source does nothing with
> any file named .svnrevision.

It may be useless for you, but I find these file very convenient in at
least the following cases:

 - when examining historic .orig.tar.gz, I determine on which svn
   revision it was based on. This is much more of interest in ubuntu,
   where releases happen much more frequently than in debian.

 - on upstream upgrades I directly see in the ouput of 'git diff
   .svnrevision <oldrev>..<newrev>' from what revision to what revision
   the ffmpeg package was upgraded. If you have noted, these revision
   numbers are noted in debian/changelog on upstream upgrades.

> Instead, do away with the need for .svnrevision and in the
> configure-stamp-% target from debian/rules do, 'echo $(SVN_REVISION) >
> debian-$*/snapshot_version'.

Again, what problem does this solve again?

Btw, have you inspected the daily tarballs from upstream? The build
scripts also place an generated and not versioned file in these
tarballs. The .svnrevision files mimic that behavior.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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