upload rumor

Grammostola Rosea rosea.grammostola at gmail.com
Wed May 27 11:44:28 UTC 2009

Felipe Sateler wrote:
> El miércoles 27 de mayo, Grammostola Rosea escribió:
>> Reinhard Tartler wrote:
>>>  - no pristine-tar branch, please use pristine-tar to integrate your
>>>    orig.tar.gz to the repository.
>> pristine-tar branch?
> Look for the pristine-tar utility, and read its documentation. When importing 
> new upstreams, you can pass a flag to git-import-orig to do it for you, but 
> since you already imported it, you will have to fiddle manually with pristine-
> tar.
which flag to git-import-orig? Is it in the Wiki (I didn't do it when 
uploading whysynth)

Could you give an example of the manual usage of the pristine-tar utility?


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