Providing non-stripped ffmpeg libraries

Reinhard Tartler siretart at
Fri May 29 08:40:15 UTC 2009

Fabian Greffrath <greffrath at> writes:

> I suggest we use an *unstripped upstream source* for the next upload
> to Debian and explicitely disable the affected codecs in the configure
> call (which is what already done now in debian/confflags
> anyway). [...]
> Since we would not want to introduce this upload secretely and since we
> will not have to go through the NEW queue to get the attention of
> ftp-masters, we should drop them a line on the list or in the
> debian/README.Source file. [...]
> So what do you think?

I have proposed to Ganneff in the past, but he was very hesitant towards
this idea. From the lack of communication on his side, I conclude that
he is either too busy or not too interested in giving the issue the
necessary thought. For this reason, I now rather agree you. Let's find a
good formulation for debian/README.Source, upload to unstable, and copy
these lines to ftp-master. If they object to this, they'll have to

BTW, on the ubuntu side, Mark Shuttleworth has agreed (with his
Lead-of-the-Technical-Baord-hat on) that the stripping is not necessary
for ubuntu. If we do the first step in debian for the next upload, that
would minimize the difference between the distros.

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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