Bug#556392: jackeq does not start

Adrian Knoth adi at drcomp.erfurt.thur.de
Mon Nov 16 14:35:46 UTC 2009

On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 04:52:10PM -0300, Felipe Sateler wrote:


>> this link is created in the installation of new versions of libjack-0.100.0.
> Hmm, the link is lost on sid and squeeze. I think we should put it back  
> in the libjack0 package.

I'm not entirely sure about this. libjack-0.100 was a big mistake, and I
guess we're all happy to leave it buried in the past.

The generic fix is to recompile jackeq against new jackd package. Since
we know the entire set of jackified apps, I see no point in
reintroducing this 0.100.0 thing, it would bite us in jackd2 again.

For keeping our packages simple and clean, I suggest to recompile. 


mail: adi at thur.de  	http://adi.thur.de	PGP/GPG: key via keyserver

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