quick XBMC review

Reinhard Tartler siretart at tauware.de
Thu Nov 26 10:18:42 UTC 2009

Bruno Kleinert <fuddl at tauware.de> writes:

> Heh, you can try to and maybe there's something on the list I am
> interested in, too ;) ATM Debian lacks good and flexible software for
> video encoding and things (read: There's nothing like handbrake [Yes I
> know, handbrake sources are like XBMC... *sigh*] ;)),

yes, a properly integrated video transcoding software would be great. I
guess transcode would be a great buidling block, but I remmebr a first
analiysis from Fabian that looked a bit scary

>  but I know from Reinhard that the FTP-master guys reject
> DFSG-free-but-patented software :(

no, it's worse: They just don't ACCEPT them but let them rot in NEW :-(

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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