Bug#555915: vlc: Replace iceape-dev build dep with xulrunner-dev

Christophe Mutricy xtophe at chewa.net
Sun Nov 29 18:16:48 UTC 2009

Hello Mike,

Le Thu 12 Nov 09 à 16:26 +0100, Mike Hommey a écrit :
> Package: vlc
> (disclaimer: this is a semi automatic message)
> Iceape 2.0 has been uploaded to unstable, and it is deprecating iceape-dev. 
> For now, the iceape-dev package still exists and depends on xulrunner-dev, 
> which may provide a smooth upgrade path, and your package may build 
> properly this way (i.e. a binNMU would work)
> But the iceape-dev package is going to be removed from the archive before
> the squeeze release, so please switch to using xulrunner-dev anyways.

I'm just back from holidays so all the followings is just ideas and not
results from tests.

You might remember that roughtly 1 year ago, you tested the vlc plugin
in the various mozilla based browser and deducted that for it to work in
all case it has to be built against iceape-dev. From your mail it seems
that iceape-dev is part of the past and Mozilla fixed their apps. that's
a good news.

I'll try to test rebuilding the vlc plugin and testing in various
browser before Xmas.



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