Orphaned packages
Alessio Treglia
quadrispro at ubuntu.com
Tue Sep 29 07:07:42 UTC 2009
On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Jaromír Mikeš <mira.mikes at seznam.cz> wrote:
> Hi,
> Alessio - snd
Done, uploaded to the git repository [1, the package is also available here [2].
That's the changelog entry:
snd (10.9-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New maintainer (Closes: #547072).
* New upstream release.
* debian/{rules,control,compat}:
- Switch to debhelper 7:
+ Bump build-dependency to >= 7.0.50 cause of the use of override
+ Remove unnecessary files: snd-7.18.tar.gz.cdbs-config_list,
* Drop all dependencies on snd-dmotif* packages, remove all the dmotif
related files under debian directory; also remove debian/snd-gtk-alsa.*.
* debian/control:
- Bump Standards.
+ Add ${misc:Depends} to runtimes Depends field.
- Move upstream's URL to the source stanza's Homepage field.
- Update Build-Depends:
+ Remove cdbs.
+ guile-1.6-dev -> guile-1.8-dev
+ xutils -> xutils-dev
- Remove circular dependency between snd and snd-gtk runtimes.
- Set Debian Multimedia Maintainers as Maintainer, add myself to the
Uploaders field.
- Add Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser fields.
* debian/{rules,control,README.source}: Add quilt support.
* Update debian/copyright.
* debian/patches/:
- Replace 00_makefile.patch with 00-makefile.diff to prevent FTBFS.
- Replace 01_german.patch with 01-german.diff, refreshed and converted to
the quilt format.
- 03-manpage_warnings.diff: Fix manpage's warnings, make lintian happy.
* debian/snd-doc.doc-base.{tutorial,manual}: Change section to Sound.
* debian/snd-gtk.menu (formerly debian/snd.menu):
- Set section to Applications/Sound (as per Debian Menu System's manual,
- /usr/bin/snd is provided by the snd-gtk runtime.
* Update debian/*.{install,manpages} files.
* debian/snd.docs: Don't install HISTORY.Snd, TODO.Snd.
* Update debian/watch.
-- Alessio Treglia <quadrispro at ubuntu.com> Tue, 29 Sep 2009 00:53:29 +0200
It's not lintian clean, these are 2 warnings, one about a spelling
error, another one about the non-executability of a script, that can
be ignored.
I tested the package by installing and running it in two chroot
environments, Debian sid and Ubuntu karmic, both for amd64
architecture: it seems working good.
[1] http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-multimedia/snd.git;a=summary
[2] http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/s/snd/
Alessio Treglia <quadrispro at ubuntu.com>
Ubuntu MOTU Developer | Homepage: http://www.alessiotreglia.com
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