Please Don't !! (Was: faad2_2.7-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED)

Andreas Barth aba at
Wed Sep 30 08:33:43 UTC 2009

* Fabian Greffrath (greffrath at [090930 10:23]:
> Andreas Barth schrieb:
>> As faad2 involves quite many packages, I'd be happy if someone would
>> hunt for the missing bits. (Two candidates are mpd and pulseaudio,
> What does this exactly mean? How can we help here?

Generally, check which packages are broken according to, why a
package gets broken, and why the package isn't ready for testing
migration, and push the package to get ready.
(For in-detail information, tells why a
package doesn't go in.)

This might include any of getting RC bug fixes done and uploaded, and
whatever else. If you need anything from release management side like
"this package should go in even it's only 3 days old" or "can this
package built with priority on the buildds", please feel free to just
request that from the release team.

Currently, both mpd and pulseaudio have RC bugs on them because they
fail to build on armel, so resolving these bugs is a precondition for
the move.


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