Bug#477572: RFP: python-pymedia -- Python module for editing wav, mp3, ogg, avi, divx, dvd files
Per W.
debian.perfide at safersignup.com
Sat Apr 10 04:27:56 UTC 2010
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- The pymedia project includes much of the ffmpeg code, while it should
better dynamically link to the existing ffmpeg libs (like
libavformat.so.52 and libavcodec.so.52)
- The included ffmpeg code is badly outdated and not cleanly separated
- The code-base seems to be unmaintained.
- It depends on the i386 architecture
- We already have python-gst0.10 and pygame for python multimedia support
So it might be a bad idea to Maintain a Debian package for pymedia.
Anyway I created a initial package for you to experiment with.
In the current state the package compiles and installs without problems
on amd64 but the import fails.
>>> import pymedia
ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/pymedia/video/vcodec.so:
undefined symbol: mm_flags
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