Bug#578750: ITP: kmid -- MIDI/Karaoke player for KDE

Adrian Knoth adi at drcomp.erfurt.thur.de
Thu Apr 22 14:10:44 UTC 2010

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 10:40:54AM -0300, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote:

> * Package name    : kmid
>   Version         : 2.2.2
>   Upstream Author : Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas <plcl at users.sf.net>
> * URL             : http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KMid?content=116404

I think that's the right URL:


I've recently been in contact with the author, because we pack his
kmidimon in the Debian Multimedia Team.

To quote from his mail:

> > By the way: KMidimon 0.7.3 requires Drumstick 0.3.0, which is still
> > bundled in kmidimon's source tarball and statically linked if the
> > shared libraries weren't found at configure time. In the future,
> > when Drumstick matures enough, the library sources will be removed
> > from the source package. Please talk and coordinate if necessary
> > with the maintainers of KMetronome and KMid2, using Drumstick as
> > well. Are there Debian packages for them?

With regard to drumstick, he wrote:

> BTW. I've fixed two problems in Drumstick 0.3.1, released yesterday.
> Probably any of them would become a bug report for KMidimon 0.7.3:

> 1. Subscribe/unsubscribe methods from the MidiPort class are using the
> ALSA function snd_seq_parse_address(), and can't distinguish between
> two client names starting with the same characters, like "KMid" and
> "KMidimon". It is not possible to use KMidimon to monitor KMid output.

> 2. The list of available MIDI input/output ports is cached by
> drumstick until a broadcasted ALSA event is received marking the cache
> as "dirty". It is possible that a client application like KMidimon
> shows an outdated list to the user.

> Both problems have been fixed in drumstick revision 165:
> http://drumstick.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/drumstick?view=rev&revision=165

> The best solution for a dynamically linked program would be to simply
> upgrade the drumstick library. But as Debian is distributing a
> statically compiled  KMidimon, please apply preventively a patch
> before the next KMidimon release.

In other words: it's now the right time to package drumstick separately
and change the build requirements for kmidimon.

Do you mind packaging drumstick?

I'm also Cc pkg-multimedia-maintainers, perhaps somebody is interested.

Don't know if you do a lot of multimedia stuff, if so, you might want to
consider joining our team. ;)


mail: adi at thur.de  	http://adi.thur.de	PGP/GPG: key via keyserver

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