DebConf10: Final Call for Contributions!

Adrian Knoth adi at
Sun Apr 25 10:29:27 UTC 2010

On Sun, Apr 25, 2010 at 09:17:02AM +0200, Reinhard Tartler wrote:

> > Calling all potential contributors to DebConf10! One more week until
> > the final submission deadline!
> Okay, so do we want to give a talk or a presentation on what we work on
> at debconf10? AFAIUI, there is a number of members attending dc10.

Absolutely, and I'm willing to contribute. Stuff that's worth

  - presentation of changes to pro-audio, that is, updated ardour with
    LV2 support, LV2 plugins like calf

  - audio infrastructure like the arrival of FFADO and jackd2, including
    pulseaudio integration; perhaps also multiple JACK implementations
    if we'll be ready until DC10

  - jackd realtime permissions via /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf

Is there more to tell? It's hard to recall everything that happened
during the last year, but I'm sure you'll have one or the other item to
add. Mplayer anybody? ;)

My idea is to attend DebCamp and seize this week to prepare the


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