[SCM] FFmpeg packaging branch, master, updated. debian/0.5.2-1-1-g0f5949e

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Thu Aug 5 15:00:56 UTC 2010

Am 05.08.2010 16:50, schrieb Reinhard Tartler:
> yeah, you read right, I'm going to upload this to main RSN. I'm

Erm, I am speechless. What is the background of this change, i.e. who 
"allowed" you to upload the patented stuff to Debian? Pleas elaborate!

> currently considering waiting for x264 to be processed.
> Hm, or maybe I should just upload as is right now? Please have a look
> and share your opinions...

Given you are not on crack ;) I'd say, upload right now and add 
additional codecs as soon as they got processed through the main queue.

  - Fabian

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