[SCM] faad2 packaging branch, master, updated. debian/2.7-4-5-ga421d73

Fabian Greffrath fabian at greffrath.com
Tue Aug 17 06:54:51 UTC 2010

Am 16.08.2010 18:41, schrieb Adrian Knoth:
> This seems to be a pretty big patch that should be implemented
> upstream. As a workaround, one might get along with something like this:
> #ifndef PATH_MAX
> #define PATH_MAX 1024
> #endif

Thanks for the feedback! I wasn't yet finished with this patch, 
anyway, because there is still a potential buffer overrun when an even 
longer pathname is given on the command line and strcpy'ed into the 
string buffer. Regarding PATH_MAX, I believe I'll set it to the 
original value of 255 for archs that have undef PATH_MAX.

  - Fabian

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