Bug#594636: closed by Mehdi Dogguy <mehdi at dogguy.org> (Re: Bug#594636: general: vlc_1.1.2.orig.tar.bz2. FAIL to make the .deb packages (source and binary))

Jean Pierre Hoareau hoareaujp at free.fr
Sat Aug 28 20:46:26 UTC 2010

Dir Sir,

     I just compiling VLC 1.1.3 according to your process, all thing 
done and i get correctly the .deb Packages.

      Many thanks, to you and Neil Williams for your help. For your 
information i am a retired man, 65 years old, and my pleasure is to test 
new think on Linux Debian. I use Linux since 1994 and DEBIAN since 2001.

     Best regards, and congratulations to all developers.

     Jean Pierre

Le 27/08/2010 23:42, Debian Bug Tracking System a écrit :
> This is an automatic notification regarding your Bug report
> which was filed against the vlc package:
> #594636: general: vlc_1.1.2.orig.tar.bz2. FAIL to make the .deb packages (source and binary)
> It has been closed by Mehdi Dogguy<mehdi at dogguy.org>.
> Their explanation is attached below along with your original report.
> If this explanation is unsatisfactory and you have not received a
> better one in a separate message then please contact Mehdi Dogguy<mehdi at dogguy.org>  by
> replying to this email.

Hoareau J.P.
2 chemin de LOU FLOC
33610 CESTAS France

"Utiliser GNU/LINUX c'est la liberté"

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