No subject
Fri Aug 27 17:10:57 UTC 2010
Mr. Andrew McCarthy
#12 Block D, Virgo Villa
TT, West Indies.
Dear Friend,
Kind compliments!!
It is my honour to request your assistance on this business proposition whi=
ch if pursued to its conclusion will be of immense benefit to both of us. T=
his request may seem strange but I hope you will give it attention and resp=
ond to me as soon as possible. I feel quite safe and satisfied dealing with=
you in this transaction of mutual benefit. Though this medium (Internet) h=
as been greatly abused, I chose to reach you via email because it still rem=
ains the fastest and most secured medium of communication. Nevertheless, th=
is correspondence is purely private, and it should be treated as such. l al=
so guarantee you that this transaction is hitch free from all forms of ille=
gitimacy and i encourage you to read it to the end so that you can understa=
nd my interest and the role for which I solicit your modest assistance.
My name is Mr. Andrew McCarthy, I am the branch manager of a reputable bank=
in the Caribbean. I am a man of peace; hence I try all the time to ensure =
that I do not indulge in frivolous activities that might see me and my fami=
ly in a problematic situation. My desire is one of great benefit and I only=
hope we can be of immense assistance to each other.
I have packaged a financial transaction that will benefit both of us. As th=
e branch manager of the bank where I have been a staff for over 15 years, I=
t is my duty to send in a financial report to my unit supervisor at the hea=
d office by the end of every fiscal year. On the course of the last two yea=
r's (2008) fiscal report, I discovered that an overdraft credited to a dece=
ased client, which was also repaid was not recorded to the attention of the=
management. It stands as a bad dept and was reported as a bad debt in that=
year's fiscal report (This was not done intentionally). The sum of Three M=
illion Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars [$3,750.000.00] is down in a fl=
oating account, and closely monitored by me by the day even as I work out m=
odalities to transfer the funds to a trusted friend. A lot is at stake, plu=
s my position and the fact that i must not be mentioned as the initiator, h=
ence my decision to contact you because we have no bonds or prior
relationships which may stall of warrant an investigation into the matter.
I have since place this fund in a safe account, however unable to transfer =
same to safety because I cannot conclude the transfer without the assistanc=
e of a beneficiary. As an officer of the bank I cannot be directly connecte=
d to this money, so this informed my polite decision to contact you, to ena=
ble us to work together. I will like you to assist in receiving this money =
in your bank account so that we can share it mutually. While 40% of the tot=
al amount will be designated for your role in the safe transfer, I will rec=
eive 60%. Note, there are practically no risks involved, it will be a bank =
to bank transfer.
All I need from you is to stand claim as the original depositor of this fun=
d who made the deposit with our branch so that the head office can order th=
e transfer to your designated bank account. I will do the paper work and wi=
ll not require you to make prior contributions if we agree to commence. I w=
ill complete an account opening form for you and have same backdated to sui=
t the date of funds. If you accept this offer to work with me, I will appre=
ciate it very much. As soon as I receive your kind response, I will give yo=
u details on how we can achieve it successfully.
I am open and willing to negotiate terms of engagement upon your response v=
ia my personal email address as follows: [ amccarthy at ]
Best Regards,
Mr. Andrew McCarthy.
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<table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" border=3D"0" ><tr><td valign=3D"=
top" style=3D"font: inherit;">From The Desk of<br>Mr. Andrew McCarthy<br>#1=
2 Block D, Virgo Villa<br>TT, West Indies.<br><br>Dear Friend,<br> <br=
>Kind compliments!!<br><br>It is my honour to request your assistance on th=
is business proposition which if pursued to its conclusion will be of immen=
se benefit to both of us. This request may seem strange but I hope you will=
give it attention and respond to me as soon as possible. I feel quite safe=
and satisfied dealing with you in this transaction of mutual benefit. Thou=
gh this medium (Internet) has been greatly abused, I chose to reach you via=
email because it still remains the fastest and most secured medium of comm=
unication. Nevertheless, this correspondence is purely private, and it shou=
ld be treated as such. l also guarantee you that this transaction is hitch =
free from all forms of illegitimacy and i encourage you to read it to the e=
so that you can understand my interest and the role for which I solicit yo=
ur modest assistance.<br><br>My name is Mr. Andrew McCarthy, I am the branc=
h manager of a reputable bank in the Caribbean. I am a man of peace; hence =
I try all the time to ensure that I do not indulge in frivolous activities =
that might see me and my family in a problematic situation. My desire is on=
e of great benefit and I only hope we can be of immense assistance to each =
other.<br> <br>I have packaged a financial transaction that will benef=
it both of us. As the branch manager of the bank where I have been a staff =
for over 15 years, It is my duty to send in a financial report to my unit s=
upervisor at the head office by the end of every fiscal year. On the course=
of the last two year's (2008) fiscal report, I discovered that an overdraf=
t credited to a deceased client, which was also repaid was not recorded to =
the attention of the management. It stands as a bad dept and was
reported as a bad debt in that year's fiscal report (This was not done int=
entionally). The sum of Three Million Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars =
[$3,750.000.00] is down in a floating account, and closely monitored by me =
by the day even as I work out modalities to transfer the funds to a trusted=
friend. A lot is at stake, plus my position and the fact that i must not b=
e mentioned as the initiator, hence my decision to contact you because we h=
ave no bonds or prior relationships which may stall of warrant an investiga=
tion into the matter.<br><br>I have since place this fund in a safe account=
, however unable to transfer same to safety because I cannot conclude the t=
ransfer without the assistance of a beneficiary. As an officer of the bank =
I cannot be directly connected to this money, so this informed my polite de=
cision to contact you, to enable us to work together. I will like you to as=
sist in receiving this money in your bank account so that we can
share it mutually. While 40% of the total amount will be designated for yo=
ur role in the safe transfer, I will receive 60%. Note, there are practical=
ly no risks involved, it will be a bank to bank transfer.<br><br>All I need=
from you is to stand claim as the original depositor of this fund who made=
the deposit with our branch so that the head office can order the transfer=
to your designated bank account. I will do the paper work and will not req=
uire you to make prior contributions if we agree to commence. I will comple=
te an account opening form for you and have same backdated to suit the date=
of funds. If you accept this offer to work with me, I will appreciate it v=
ery much. As soon as I receive your kind response, I will give you details =
on how we can achieve it successfully.<br><br>I am open and willing to nego=
tiate terms of engagement upon your response via my personal email address =
as follows: [ amccarthy at ]<br><br>Best Regards,<br><br>Mr.
Andrew McCarthy.<br><br><br></td></tr></table><br>=0A=0A=0A=0A
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