Debian Multimedia Menus (discussion)

rosea.grammostola rosea.grammostola at
Tue Dec 7 15:33:23 UTC 2010


When working with Multimedia / Proaudio on Linux | Debian, you have a 
lot of small packages installed pretty soon (one task one tool). With as 
consequence a very long list in the menu part for multimedia packages. 
Ubuntu Studio tries to make the situation better by providing a 
'audioproduction' and 'videoproduction' menu. In my view this isn't 
always a good solution cause some packages are in the wrong part, 
displayed twice and most of the installations do still have a long list 
of applications.

A quick look at Tango Studio showed that they have more menu parts, one 
for audio mixing plugins and synths etc.

I thought, isn't there a way to make a better menu by the Debian 
Multimedia Team? A bit like Ubuntu Studio has done e.g. an extra menu 
package you can install if you want to do Multimedia production, but 
then better?

What do you think?

Best regards,


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