q: excluding upstream files from tarball

IOhannes m zmoelnig zmoelnig at iem.at
Tue Dec 14 16:54:36 UTC 2010

i have a question on how the exclusion of files from the upstream
tarball can be handled and maintained.

as far as i understand, you just use
$ git-import-orig --filter="*proprietary*" /path/to/upstream_1.0.tar.gz

which will exclude all files matching *proprietary* from the debian
"upstream" tarball (what's the right terminology, btw?)

this is all fine, but how is this maintained over time?
e.g. next upstream release i have to do the same thing again.
however, considering that we do a lot of packaging, how am i to keep
track of all this?

shouldn't all this exclusion be documented somewhere, e.g. in


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