
Fabian Greffrath greffrath at leat.rub.de
Tue Jan 26 15:28:00 UTC 2010

Am 26.01.2010 15:46, schrieb Reinhard Tartler:
> would be great, but symbol files do not allow the same flexibilty as a
> regular shlib file: We cannot implement alternative dependencies that
> are required for the ffmpeg-extra with symbol files.

Ah yes, I forgot.

> Which ones? can you compile a list?

Has been attached to my last reply.

> This could be a lintian bug, the whole situation maybe needs some more
> thought: we generate the shlibs file twice: first time for the internal
> dependencies, and then we regenerate them for inclusion in the
> package. The point of this excercice is to have the 'internal'
> dependencies more strict than 'external' ones. We have implemented this
> so that we make mixing ffmpeg libraries with the ones from marillat
> harder.

Thanks, yes, I know the details. I have been "around" when this has 
been implemented. ;)

I was wondering, because lintian once throw an error because of this 
hack. We have overridden it, because we called the commands in an odd 
order for good reason. Apparently this check has been removed from 
lintian or maybe lintian even likes the idea or whatever. ;)

> Perhaps this should be documented in some comment, but the rules file is
> already pretty convoluted as it is now.

For people from the outside, who have a look at the package, however 
it will look somehow insane. I think a short comment (just the 
sentence I quoted from your previous mail above) would be enough to 
convince everyone, I guess.

Dipl.-Phys. Fabian Greffrath

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Lehrstuhl für Energieanlagen und Energieprozesstechnik (LEAT)
Universitätsstr. 150, IB 3/134
D-44780 Bochum

Telefon: +49 (0)234 / 32-26334
Fax:     +49 (0)234 / 32-14227
E-Mail:  greffrath at leat.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

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