Bug#587898: Bug#587904: error message should say what to try next if codec not found

jidanni at jidanni.org jidanni at jidanni.org
Mon Jul 5 11:35:05 UTC 2010

>>>>> "FG" == Fabian Greffrath <fabian at greffrath.com> writes:

FG> Am 05.07.2010 13:16, schrieb jidanni at jidanni.org:
>> OK, but still maybe the package Description shouldn't be as upbeat as it
>> currently is.

FG> I am getting tired. Patches accepted.

Just say "This version of ffmpeg is NOT compiled against ... "
or This package differs from the default compilation in that ..."

Or, "this package like others on Debian, is not linked against..."
But I suppose like you said there are many such packages.

Or maybe Marillat should say "this version IS compiled against...."

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