Power Play Of The Day (SLRW)
Investor Clueso LLC
Freepennystockalert at gmail.com
Fri Jul 30 18:28:39 UTC 2010
S L R W traded 22Mil shares yesterday 7/29/10 and Investor Clueso has not
and will not be compensated. We are b u ying shares and we plan to b u y
more shares today.
(SLRW) is a REAL company that just made several filings on the 28th.
These filings appear to be intended to bring the company to current status
and eludes to something major in the works in the coming weeks.
Investor Clueso is looking for SLRW to continue growing into news and to
become much more than just your standard trade. We also have an o p p o r
tunity to completely l o ck up the float on SLRW if we have strong enough
volume to do so. This seems to be a very reasonable possibility as there
are going to be numerous other groups that will be announcing this pick and
there will also be a mailing list doing the same.
@InvestorClueso The Due Diligence We Do Makes All The Difference. Below is
some Due Diligence we have prepared for this A l e r t on S L R W.
We're S o c ial:
Solarbrook Water and Power Corporation, headquartered in Raleigh, North
Carolina, maintain a
core focus of seeking out synergistic acquisitions that will provide
capital appreciation and income for its companies.
The mission of Solarbrook is to acquire and develop innovative green
technologies and businesses that will improve the quality of water, and
provide green options to energy throughout the world. We work to achieve
these goals by
means of detection, treatment and removal of contaminants, and to provide
integrated clean power alternatives
for r e m ote and off-grid systems, further expanding market potential.
State of Incorporation: North Carolina
Year of Incorporation: 1999
Exchange: OTC
Solarbrook Water and Power Corporation, through its subsidiaries, engages
in the development, manufacture, and marketing of water management and
clean power integrated solutions for the consumer, municipal, and
industrial markets.
We design, build, market, and install water filtration and water treatment
systems to remove harmful metals, elements, and compounds from potable
water and wastewater. We also distribute water filtration systems and
finance water treatment systems for households and businesses.
Our technologies offer aeration and oxygen mixing equipment for
municipalities and industry requiring dissolved oxygen in water.
Divisions of Solarbrook Water and Power:
~ HydroFlo Water Treament, Inc.
~Ultra Choice Water, Inc.
~Advanced Water Recycle, Inc.
~Clean Power Solutions, Inc
~Clean Water Scientific, Inc.
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This message was sent by: Investor Clueso, 1114 N. Court Street, #160,
Medina, Ohio 44256 Investor Clueso
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