debian media and arts track

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at
Tue Jun 1 19:10:46 UTC 2010

hi Adrian (and the rest of the pkg-multimedia team)--

we are hoping to make a final cut on accepted talks for debconf10
tomorrow, and i'd like to be able to take into account preferences from
the media and arts track.  However, the track page is pretty unclear:

Can you put more information in that page about what you expect to see
as part of the track?  It doesn't need to be a lot of info, just a list
of the proposals which you think belong in the track.

See, for example, Sam Hartman's Debian in the Enterprise track page:

Any thoughts or feedback about how the track is progressing?


PS if the track coordination is too much to do with the short time left,
we will just rate individual submissions that might be track-related
normally.  This would mean no cohesive track (and probably no reportback
at the closing plenary, if those happen), but it *doesn't* mean that we
would de-schedule every single media/arts submission.

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